Dutch Schultz in Newark cafe after machine gun attack. Detectives find tally sheets showing income from illicit sources $827,000 for one month. Photgrapher: Detrick. 24 Oct 1935

Snipers bullet slays woman. Yetta Einhorn, kindly ghetto mother was shot down yesterday as she chatted with a friend outside her Orchard St breadstore. Crowds gather round her body as mystery sniper is sought. Photographer: Levine. 9 Apr 1934.

Hotel of happiness. Scene near Hurleyville NY. Irving Ashkenas lies slain. Photographer: Wallace. 19 Mar 1940

Dropped on the spot. On sidewalk is body of David (the beetle) Beadle, former Hells kitchen tough. he was shot down in the early hours of the morning on 46th St. and 10th Ave, by two or three killers who escaped in a cab. Photographer: Willard. 9 Dec 1939.

Shooting at a chinese theatre. Photographer: Condon. 10 July 1930

Mother of the accused. Mrs Hannah Cranmer, mother of Ruth Jayne Cranmer in court. Photographer: Boesser. 21 Aug 1931

Policeman holds sawed off shotgun with which Charles Geery, whose body is shown lying on the bed, slew three others in suicide pact in Newark early today. The executioner telephoned police and then killed himself. Photographer: R.Morgan. 19 Sept 1935